Home » Most popular blog posts in 2024

Most popular blog posts in 2024

by Vlad Drumea

Since 2024 is coming to an end, I figured I should make a round-up, similar to Brent Ozar’s, outlining the most popular blog posts this year.

  1. Script to delete extra tempdb data files
  2. How apps cause ASYNC_NETWORK_IO waits in SQL Server
  3. Script to measure write speeds in SQL Server
  4. Recreate a default shared folder in QNAP
  5. Finding Long Values Faster – my solution to Brent’s exercise

This list is based on post likes on my blog, not on social media platforms such as LinkedIn.

Excluding posts that already show up in the “most viewed posts” list.

  1. Plagiarism and a lesson in hotlinking images
  2. Export SQL Server query results to HTML table via PowerShell
  3. Export XML files from SQL Server using PowerShell
  4. Create a SQL Server container with Podman
  5. The curious case of the truncating NVARCHAR(MAX) variable

Honorable mention – posts by comments

Excluding posts that already show up in the above two categories.

  1. Automate SQL Server installation using PowerShell
  2. Script to decode Asus router configuration backup file


I find it interesting and encouraging that some of my non-SQL Server blog posts have also gotten attention.

In case you’re wondering how I got the data for the above lists: I just queried a fresh backup of my blog’s database.
You can find the queries I’ve used in my GitHub repo.

Thanks for reading my blog and have a happy new year!

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